Level 3 games Design
Unit 78:digital Graphics for computer Games
Andrew Gambrell
Understand theory and application used for (P1) computer game graphics
Game Comparison

Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations is Visual novel, it's genre is
RPG, murder mystery. It's the third game of the attorney series, the
artistic style of PWTT is exaggeration the game start as Phoenix has to face
his next rival prosecutor named Godot who has mysterious past that hides it
behind his mask the only way to find the truth is to see what happen with Mia
Fey his dead mentor first two cases. phoenix wright trials and tribulation is
exaggeration for example on the right is Godot you can see how it is exaggerated
with his hair for starters which is bleached white and is spiky but
most notably his mask which is the most outstanding thing about the
character with the red lights which you would never see in real life with
the futuristic design. Another thing which is exaggerated is the objection
which is the thing they say when try proving a point or showing that the
witness is lying (shown in the top left) it pops up across the screen while
presenting evidence or when the prosecutor refutes the claim. while
the game was still in development they had troubles with fitting it on a Game
Boy advance cartridge compared to the first ace attorney game it was 2.3 times
bigger which meant they had to find a way of compressing the game or basically
making the game smaller by limiting scene within game like sprite, one thing
they did was making a character shorter. Another way to save data as well as
cut art that wasn't needed. The maker of ace attorney found the
constraints fun as it gave a chance to improve his team problem solving and
creative thinking.
Mass Effect 2 and Phoenix Wright trials and tribulations do similarities as well as differences; for example they both can be very dark with there stories by using visuals graphics using blood or dark mystical energy/absolute evil e.g. Dahlia Hawthorne and the collectors. Dahlia by being seeming pretty but in those eye show a twist fully evil sinister plotting mind by murdering almost three people the second victim being in a comma for five years which to person cost him everything and wanting revenge but also the show with her expressions when acting normal the make it look like she disinterested and does not care about the life that she has extinguish. The collectors for being evil and catch humans and convert them to goo for breeding a human reaper but the build up they use to do this is show it with graphical effect and passive instincts like with how the map has a feeling of emptiness but also something of a sinister objective (on the right) you can see the orange they use for it is sort of collective
orange which reminds me of a Borg green which connects everything the collectors do to one mind or what in graphics the show us using lens flare in the distance to show some sort of energy but it gave a scale to collector ship seeming like the ship was endless but for mass effect 2 makes the collector ship look alive wasp hive and tree look. but there is difference apart from just the genres as the way characters
interact is different for Mass Effect 2 while you speak to people you can see the HUD's dialog wheel gives you a chose or what and how how you act either being a renegade where you use more violence toward the character you talk or paragon where you try find way of peace agreement and convince people passively to help you. phoenix wright is different because of how the dialog is instead of choice it is set but the way the characters speak is more engaging for example when confronting the killer before court it is tense and risky which can make it look more engaging to see the killer at court and convict him of his argent feeling about not getting caught which hasn't really work well sometime for wright. Another difference is how they show expression mass effect tries to do it as natural as possible but make it obvious while phoenix wright tries to do it the same but they show though extreme emotion so like when phoenix is embarrassed/lose a point that he was trying to prove he start to sweat and make sarcastic remarks out loud
or in thought like "words cannot describe how screwed I am" but also when confronting a witness/ murderer when catches their lie or contradiction and then when happens they breakdown or
basically there expression go crazy and over exaggerate the shock in his or her face like in the image to left you can see his shocked face as well as his magnifying glass flying off this face.
The two games that I have chosen to compare are the mass effect 2
which is a 3D game released in 26th Jan 2011 and phoenix wright trials and
tribulations which was the 2D game that I chose, it was released in 23 Jan

Mass Effect 2 is third-person shooter, it's genre is a RPG Sci-fi
and is the sequel to mass effect it is photo realism game. it takes place one
month after battle of the Citadel when the SSV Normandy is attacked and
destroyed and the main character commander Shepard is confirm killed in action,
two years after the attack Shepard is brought back to life by the Cerberus's Lazarus
project after being told that there is a new threat is revealed with a new ship
and new crew Shepard must find recruit all the fighter and other special crew
to complete the suicide mission. The game itself is a photo realistic game with
how all weapon and technology is kept consistent for example in the picture you
can see how the character’s armour and weapon look military grade with the
scenery looking realistic also how the map looks but also when light highlights
the armour and objects with a shine which give the metal a glossy look and
feel. Another thing that make ME2 photo realism is the background graphics like
how in the picture (in the top right) the clouds and the distant mountains have
a naturalistic vibe but also the game can give off a dark vibe and fall from
grace feel with some maps showing a great threat or showing bodies and remain
of other aliens and human; or even the opposite with their being not being
anyone there to greet you for example the start of the horizon mission how when
you start there is no-one in sight and the fact that it look like it's been
abandoned with everything still intact you do see other people their later
in the mission but they are frozen while still being conscious and aware
but unable to speak or move.

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