unit 20 computer games platform and technology
Task A-understanding hardware technologies for game platforms
HCI (human computer interface) is way for the person to control a machine/program in games it a interface that lets the user control their character around the level or stage by using input devices.


Keyboard are for used for PC gaming they did do a console controller for a console. The ergonomics of the keyboard is using all the keys to use commands like AWDS and the UDLR for moving and other key special attacks.
Also the all the keys are at hand range so you can quick hit each keys.
Mouse is also a controller for PC it use for moving the camera around to get a better view of the target also the button on the mouse normally left to fire and right to aim. The ergonomics of the mouse are so you can just touch all the buttons.
wheel and pedals

motion sensing input devices

comparison with other controllers
console controller

the three controller that I am comparing is the NES, PS4 and PS controllers to see difference between now and then and to see how it has improved through the years. first with the PlayStation controllers, one thing that hasn't change is the d pad, buttons and the triggers with how they are in the same place with both controllers but now it has been updated with two analog sticks since the PS2 but the same design as PS controller until the PS4 one where they redesigned it. It included a touch pad on the top between the options and share. Another thing that is different is the NES controller and the PS controller the are nearly the same with the exception of additional two buttons and the trigger one other difference is the ergonomics with the PS having grips to hold the controller while the NES controller it just a box but used in a different way because of the trigger and the grips making it easier to touch them and NES could be use more for button mashing.

VR controllers

The PS4 VR controller has the same idea as the Vive controller with the same sort of layout excepted the front side has more buttons it does have the same grip buttons on side. Now to talk about the comparison one similarity is ergonomics with how they also can use the trigger as grips to hold of the two controllers firm without drop them that often also the help the player find out where buttons are while you still have the headset still on. one difference with the two is how the controller expect you to play while the Vive is touch sensitive the PS4 VR has more button with their normal four shape buttons with a button in the middle. Also another that thing is different is the shape they go with the PS4 VR is a thick circular which is easy to grip with a light looking sphere sensor at the end while the Vive has a slick and thick handle with a circular head sensor for the VR feature to work.

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