Sunday, 19 February 2017

Andrew Gambrell unit: 73 sound for computer Games

Task 1

First thing to note about both games are that they are very different last of us is more serious than the other they do have  different tones while the last of us is about carrying on in a dying world. Dead heat big planet sounds more like stealthy. When in actual fact it is a boss fight I hear where it is coming from really for me it sounded like a stealth mission with smooth jazz but that was a perception now hearing again it does sound sort of a boss fight. The boss itself seems to be a little slower or not as fast paced for game for example game with fast paced boss fight would be a borderlands. The audio environment of dead heat is continuous beat that motivates the player to beat the boss less acoustic it does sound like it has elements of acoustic like a trump and drums but more of it is synthesizer.  Even the drum and trump could be made in a program like Garage Band where you can used pre-existing instruments. The last of us is different from dead heat because of the audio environment, it is  more natural sounding but it has more of a different vibe which is more emotional feel to it also all the music sounded acoustic.  At one point it sounded like someone walking on grass at 0.33 which means the song artist made the sound of him walking on grass to make the feel of the song more like it was a journey.

little big planet 3 waveform                                                                        

These are the waveforms for little big planet and last of us with these to images you can already see a differences in them in LBP3 you can see that it is more continuous while the last of us is more softer but does goes loud in places when the ronroco start to play the end is different because of how it end more softer with the ending in a slope instead of a big ending which    the last of us wave form                                           the other sound LBP 3 does.

Legal issues is the easiest to explain with this you just have to make sure that you don't call your song as pre-existing or that make it more like the another track. for both studio their rights and copywright have been sort by sub legal team that will sort it out so they don't run into trouble and leaves the artist to focus on their work without any worry.

Source is what musical instruments were used or from a software so like last of us has someone walking in the grass or the guitar he used which is a ronroco. From dead heat they used drums,trumpet etc. they would use a synthesizer.

The Psychology of Sound is what you feel when you  hear the music so for last of us it is a more emotional sound and more grounded to earth in the seem that anything can go wrong. Dead Heat is more different feel it feels more of a stealthy and uncertainty of what is going to happen

Theory of sound of the last of us is surround sound of the guitar and you can  actual hear where the sound is coming from, so the person walking you will know which direction and where the character was walking from. little big planet is stereo because of the way it has been produced.

Game Music I have talked about how the last of us sounds like how they are going on a journey but the mood it has is a lost world that can't be rebuild as it is in the game people are limited and everyone eventually will die which also has a sense of hopelessness. Little big planet 3 has a stealth sort of beat but it also sounds like the mission that the player is going to ecounter a person who is hard to beat.   

Task 2 

The last of us mainly was made with acoustic, the only thing he added was of  himself walking, he probably had a very high production. With the last of us the only audio limitations is the DSP because of how much data it has to transfer. Gustavo Santaolalla used DAT to record the theme you couldn't edit it so you had to make sure you didn't waste it. Also with DAT you get a better quality sound than analogue plus the sample rate would be better because it gets all the original wave forms which makes it more accurate and better without effecting or degrading the quality of the music. The file format they used to make the last of us is wav because it can't be edited . Also the one point that the last of us main theme is that should it be all compressed or uncompressed it is obviously uncompressed because what he is working with musical instruments so if he compressed the file it would lose a lot of data that he worked on.

Dead heat from big little planet was probably made with music making software they probably also used a synthesizer. The reason i say that it is one that  seems mechanic which isn't it just giving  me a clue even if i am probably wrong but there no way to tell without asking the developers who made it. The only audio limitations again is the DSP transfer that will lose some data while in process. The audio sample rate of the music would be somewhat close to accurate because of the standard they are working with but it may have a slight drop but the company would try to get it as good as possible. The file format they used is wav  because it would be a professional file to use as it can record to 22khs which is the range of human hearing so you can get the full quality without missing anything. One last thing to think about is did they compress this file to make it more manageable? The answer is of course they did even if a soundtrack for boss it won't be important enough that they get instruments to make it because they actually have to get all the other soundtrack ready for big little planet 3 release.  If they did make it all uncompressed they would run out of space and probably have to either make the game itself make for two discs, because the file are that big or they would have to make the download bigger because the soundtrack is too big for what it needs to be.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

unit 73: sound for computer games
sound file format
uncompressed is more for studio quality and is raw from recording and have a lot of layer of music like the drums and guitar the problem with this is it can take a lot of space another thing takes more data wave forms and disk space this type of sound is orginal sound and accurate.

lossy compressed

this compression is more the general things like actually playing a game while the background music plays or while listen on the go also lose a bit of the quality the way is compresses it so it's more easily stored it does mean that you can't edit anymore but that can be good considering the fact that it can't copyright without it being apparent there is another way of compression is lossless which doesn't not lose any dat thus it doesn't reduce any quality during compression process an example of that is a wav which was created by Microsoft and IBM.

audio sampling

Bit depth and resolution talking about bits and about how with more you have more details in a song than if it had less then the clarity of the music would go down so if it was a little.

audio tech definition

Sample rate is the amount of samples or frequency that is taken from a single second of a piece of music from a computer. The more samples it has the more accurate the sound of the music is.

Mono is a only one channel which mean even if you have headphones the sound with be the same in both ears for sound hardware

While mono is one, stereo is two channels so you can hear two different sounds on a headphones. So for example if two people were singing in stereo one would so you can hear them one of them singing in right while the other would left.

Surround sound is a more complex you get three or more speakers together all the individual speaker play different sound like if it was directional so if set it up and you listen to a gunbang shot from different places you would  know where it was coming from.

Audio Limitations of Games Platforms

The limitations of DSP is that does cost a lot to get plus it has more complex. Another thing is that it is you can lose some info while transferring.

The limit factor of ram is that if you don't have a big enough Ram while making pieces it will limit how fast the process of how you finish transferring or making / editing plus it lose everything if you don't save it. 

File format (eg Mp3, Wav, Aiff) 
The problem with file format the sound quality goes down for example in the high frequencies it sizzles which make it sound unprofessional also the limiting file size means that i doesn't have most of the details within the music

Audio output (eg Mono, Stereo, Surround)

one problem with the audio output is that for it you actually have to get the recording equipment require for the things like the surround  and stereo which can cost a lot and there the fact that you are taking up space to include surround which you probably need many mic for if you recording a guitar playing you recording one spot and the mic pick different tracks. 


PCM is very good to used BUT because of how complex it is it requires professional hardware and the fact it has a large bandwidth.

Audio Recording Systems 

Musical Instrument Digital Interface 
Midi is useful to create simple melody's that you can practice with.

Multi-track recording
It is for useful in a scenario that you can make and control music opening and closing but also repeating tracks to make a good melody. 

professional sound composers would use this to record music. You couldn't edit it so you had to make sure you didn't waste it. also with dat you get a better quality sound than analogue , digital signals are different to analogue because they value with machine code to represent their data where as analogue is continuous signal.

It is used to record the original sound waves. It is more used for things like musical instrument.

Software Sequencer is one the most update way to make music. It can work using different of sample of music to make your piece.


Monday, 16 January 2017

unit - 73 sound for computer game design

speech is the easiest one to explain for example when character a talks it normally it to convey more details about the story or a to expand the world around the character. for example the mass effect 2 speech before the final boss battle it suppose to sound dramatic and glorious, it also tells the player to get ready for the next step.

iconography is something that is very recognisable either for a good thing or for a bad thing like if you just died it would play the same so you would know you were dead. Indiana Jones music is something that is the Ionic it's suppose sound adventurous and hopeful halfway it chances it mood to dramatic and more emotional.

symbolism is something that is either hinted to you or shown to by a sound that tells you that something going to happen. the mass effect death sound is made to sound like a somethings failed in mission and you have died the with the beats giving something that should be devastating.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Unit 73 sound for computer games

a) mood and atmosphere

the last of us main theme by Gustavo Santaolalla 
the mood and atmosphere of this song has a very sad and empty feel to it as if there are no people but at the same time the music is quite, it does have faint sense of  hope and is taking kind of a journey. the game maker made music like this because it is leading onto a journey after something sad has just happened and it adds to the atmosphere and makes the listeners feel how the characters feel. I wouldn't use a different type of music or different song as this song works and makes you feel almost sad and nostalgic

gravity rush by Gravity daze Kohei Tanaka

It is very lively and sounds kinda like the game is an adventure game to explore and go around the world doing things. It also seems like nothing bad is happening and everything is good it also reminds of a song like star trek. The game maker used this music to start the game of all happy and there is nothing wrong with the world and its one big adventure. The music used here worked in starting the game and making it so you think everything is good and get a feel for the lively world but also so that you can tell it is an adventure  so I think that it did work.

Mass effect 2 suicide mission by Jack Wall, Sam Hulick, David Kates and Jimmy Hinson
It is a very dramatic song. It defiantly sounds like the name of the song. This song worked as the scene that is played at is a very dramatic scene as you are fighting through and could die making the song work very well. I would keep the same song as it makes everything feel dramatic and makes it feel like you need to do this otherwise something bad could happen which builds the tension making it feel dramatic. The game maker made this song to make the scene more dramatic and tense.

Kingdom Hearts Rage Awakened by Yoko Shimomura
The song is peaceful but there is also a sense of energy and it seems like there could be a fighting scene. This scene is in the game when you are doing a boss battle it works because the music seems very energetic and uplifts you and gives you energy. The song is a good song to be used for a boss battle because it isn't dramatic and tense but also makes you want to beat the boss The game maker made this song for this scene was because it was a scene that needed to have an energetic song to make the players want to beat the boss.

payday 2 Full force Forward by Lord Simon Viklund
This is very energetic and has a sense of chaos. in the actual game it is when get seen and then they call the police and they get ready to apprehend you that's when this music comes on. it has tense atmosphere but it a beat that keeps you motives to move on with the heist. The game maker used this song because they needed something with a beat to get the player motivated.
Foley: relating to or concerned with the addition of recorded sound effects after the shooting of a film
This is the google definition of what Foley means. To put it in normal words it is making sounds for a film or game so for example if you need a creaking door you have to go out and record a noise for the creaking door to put in the game or film. This process was made by someone called Jack Foley as he invented the process. 
Timbre: the distinctive quality or character of someone or something.
The meaning of Timbre is the quality of the sound.

Waveform: The generic term waveform means a graphical representation of the shape and form of a signal moving in a gaseous, liquid, or solid medium. For sound, the term describes a depiction of the pattern of sound pressure variation (or amplitude) in the time domain. In colloquial speech, waveform audio is often used to mean the recorded sound itself (not the graphical representation) in order to distinguish it from structured audio, e.g., MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data.
The temporal frequencies of sound waves are generally expressed in terms of cycles (or kilocycles) per second. The simplest waveform is the sine wave, since it has only one frequency associated with it. The sound waves associated with, say, music, are constantly varying.
The meaning of waveform is writing down the sound in a graph, shown below. It is based on the frequency, amplitude and wavelength to get a graph like the one below. 
Pitch: in music the pitch of a note means how high or low a note is. The pitch of a note can be measured in a unit called Hertz. A note that is vibrating at 256 Hz will be caused by sound waves that vibrate at 256 times a second.
The pitch is how high or low the note of the sound is. It is measured in Hertz for every hertz the sound wave vibrates more so for example if you have 56 Hz then the sound waves would be vibrating 56 times a second. 
Decibel: The definition of a decibel is a degree of loudness, or is a unit used to measure how powerful or loud a sound or signal is using a logarithmic formula. When you turn your iPod up as loud as it can possibly go, this is an example of when you listen to your music at the highest decibel.
Decibels are the way that sound is measured, if you look at the graph below it tells you how many decibels there are for what sound.
Sound Generator: sound generator is a vibrating object which produces a sound. There are two main kinds of sound generators (thus, two main kinds of musical instruments).
Sound generators are basically loud speakers which are used so that you can listen to music.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Big Trouble In Little China Town

Big trouble in little china town was originally a film before it was a ever was a book it release in July 1st 1986. Eric Powell made in a book in 2014.


Big Trouble in little China Town take when Wang fiancè his taken they try to take her back but when go where she they find out who the real enemy is when another group of ancient warriors called the immortals come and take Miao for there leader Lo pan Jack and Wang fight hard to get there precious possessions.

main characters:

Jack Burton 

Jack may be the main character but he more of a underdog or the a obverse. he is also can do very clumsy stuff like when he was doing a battle cry by shooting his gun at the celling which then a rock falls on his head that makes him miss the first parts of battle between Eggshen men and the immortals. Even though he is clumsy he does find his way to actually do like when he does fail like when he tries to kill lo pan with knife but misses which then lo pan throw the at him to but then he catches it then throw it back make the knife find a new home in his head.
Jacks motivation in the movie is his truck and helping people like when he goes to the horde house to rescue Wang fiancè and you can see how he just like his truck and he want a girl like when he could kiss Gracie and he say no that can mean that he got all he needs that is his truck.


Wang is one jack's friend who gets his fiancè taken by a gang at an airport in story. he more of the main character than anything but he see jack more a hero than him. Wang does show that he is more competent than jack with his fight skill or how he fight one of the immortal and does quite well fight them to. Wang motivation are to get his fiancè back because they are going to get married soon.

side character 

Gracie law is a reporter who tries to help to get a good story for a newspaper but she trys to everyone in way she can.
Eggshen is old man who drives a bus he has knowledge of the immortal has small magic of his owns he has goal to kill Lo pan and he gets together a team to take him down with jack and wang.

Miao Yin is wang fiancè who get kip napped twice first by a gang second by immortal. Her motivation are to get kip napped and to look shocked.

Tara is a friend of gracie who is a lawyer their to help spread a message to for her friend.

David lo pan is main villain of the movie he first appears as his younger but then when they see him again he is weak and looks like a old man but near the cilmax he turns back into his younger side. his movtivaiton are to become flesh and young again which he will do if he marries a girl with green eyes after battle he does become flesh but then his hopes are dash when knife sticks in for him.

The immortals are Lo pan elite grunts with supernatural abilities like shooting eletrictictiy out his hand. 

emotional themes

the various emotional themes that the films give is it a action film that doesn't take itself seriously like how some of things in the movie are sort nonsensical when Jack makes a mistake it come across as being clumsy.


Two people are talking in a dark room, one is questioning the other person at desk is attorney so the events of movie has happened the Chinese man is a magician and show that magic is real by discharge of his magic.
Next by a truck driver going to town then he goes to play a card game with a group of people it has a fun atmosphere when game end, two other start arguing over how he lost the game and how he needs the money.
They arrive at an airport jack tries to talk to another girl then see a dangerous gang she tells him to stop from talking to them.
Thing get tense when jack tries to make them stop from them from being picking on another Chinese girl who then they try to take her with them, jack tries to stop them but then they attack him which start up a panic which end in the gang taking a girl while the two of the women escape from the airport.
Jack goes car park and both of the main character nearly gets hit by gang’s car, jack then get his truck and then tries to intercept the gang car. Wang tells Jack to in an alleyway jack get truck because of a funereal which is going through the alleyway but then another gang comes to kill the people then it ends in fight but then it end when lighting hits the floor as three warriors come from a portal of some kind and start get ready to fight jack then see what they can do with their magic and decides to get out jack then by driving his truck out the three immortals get out the way but then he hits one of the immortals which seems too hit the leader with the truck with doesn’t seem to hurt him Wang and jack get out the truck to escape then meets the same gang the met in the airport who then they starts to chase them they get away and go to a person Wang knows they to get Miao Yin  from the white tigers where they hold the girls for a horde house jack goes disguise to  find Wang’s soon to be wife but then an earthquake that hit the build the immortal come to get Miao Yin then flight off to their base. Jack goes back ask what happened they uncle then Mr Egg Shen arrives to tell about lo pan history and curse that was put a upon him to make him a demon with no flesh and wants to become human again to do that he needs to marry a girl with green eyes, they make plan to find Miao Yin back.


Jack and Wang go into the white tiger trading company which is a front for lo pang base then Jack and Wang get past the guard into an elevator which then fill up with water which then Jack and Wang gets they it a upside-down drown sinners then go to surface and get caught and tied to a wheel chair were the main villain lo pan come and tell them about his evil plan then after are taken to cell where they escape but then they find a cell of a full women including Gracie law and her friend. Wang distracts the guards while jack release them somehow then end up to shoot it with his SMG some back up come from LO pan as they tried to kill them they see an entrance to the and decide to make their escape Wang and Jack distract the guards while everyone get out and into sewer except Gracie who is capture by monster to be taken back to lo pan because of her green lo pan check on Gracie and Miao and tell what he will do with them while jack and Wang meet up with Mr Eggshen as he get squad ready to fight lo pan force they go back into sewer while lo pan ceremony for him to turn to back to flesh starts. They get seen by a monster which is a spy by lo pan ,they get to ceremony as lo pan start it by pinning a needle into Miao hand while Eggshen team fight their way to get to the two women eggshen has a standoff with lo pan which ends in a draw Wang and one of the immortal fight have a sword fight which end with Wang winning it Lo Pan retreat to his chamber as jack and Gracie go to rescue Miao jack and lo pan as jack throws a knife he misses as lo pan picks the knife up jack catches it then throw it back at his head Miao wake as they try to get out they come across thunder as see the dead body of his master he start to  as he tries explodes to kill which and thunder dies they go back to the sewer as they meet lighting who tries to kill them with his electricity they try to get out in a another sewer above them with a thin rope as they all get out as is left as he tries to distracted lighting but then get when lighting is killed they find themselves in a garage as jack and other get into his truck to drive to safety


After the fight and lo pan is killed mr Eggshen says he has to go then Wang thanks for all that he has done like help him get his fiancè back and then gives jack double for his work.    
he about to go when Gracie ask before leave are going to kiss me as jack responses with no.  

The change of relationship 

The relationship with character do change so like how Gracie and jack don't go for each other at the start have sort of a thing at the middle then it just ends with Gracie and jack go there separate ways it probably because they felt a connection in the heat of the battle but when it ended they lost the connection they had.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

level 3 games design

unit 20 computer games platform and  technology

Task A-understanding hardware technologies for game platforms

 HCI (human computer interface) is way for the person to control a machine/program in games it a interface that lets the user control their character around the level or stage by using input devices.


For most console they use controllers with analog, d-pad, additional buttons.  For older generations console they did use controllers model/idea but not until the third generation with the NES and the Sega master system which have continue into present day with console like the Wii U,Xbox One and PS4. The ergonomics of controllers are made so they can easily fit in your hands and the buttons and sticks are easy to get to and press it also there so you don't have have to move too far to get to the buttons.


Joysticks are more used for like pilot game but was used for older generation console that didn't do that well it was mostly the Atari consoles did it for most of their consoles. They are also used for most arcade machines normally have at least 3 including the joystick itself the ergonomics are of the joystick normal have a grip for one hand with maybe a button on the top for the thumb and and the free hand to press the other buttons.


Keyboard are for used for PC gaming they did do a console controller for a console. The ergonomics of the keyboard is using all the keys to use commands like AWDS and the UDLR for moving and other key special attacks.
Also the all the keys are at hand range so you can quick hit each keys. 


Mouse is also a controller for PC it use for moving the camera around to get a better view of the target also the button on the mouse normally left to fire and right to aim. The ergonomics of the mouse are so you can just touch all the buttons.  

wheel and pedals

the wheel and pedal are more for driving games they have been design for some being in older generation on. The closest to actual wheel provided by a console company is the wheel sleeve which is goes on the Wii remote and use for game like Mario kart the ergonomics of wheel and pedals are give a simulation of driving a car. Like how with most of the controls for the controller are all how a driver how control the car e.g. how the wheel control the direction and the pedal and other button control how fast you go.

motion sensing input devices

Motion Sensing Input Devices aka VR called now is a new tech that allow you to use your movement to control what happen it also gives you a first person view of the game which you see by putting on the headset device. normally the the VR input tech needs at least three devices (the headset and two hand controllers) with motion sensor around the room places which places you correctly in the map. The two controllers that you handle have button on them that you can press which control things in the game.

comparison with other controllers

console controller

the three controller that I am comparing is the NES, PS4 and PS controllers to see difference between now and then and to see how it has improved through the years. first with the PlayStation controllers, one thing that hasn't change is the d pad, buttons and the triggers with how they are in the same place with both controllers but now it has been updated with two analog sticks since the PS2 but the same design as PS controller until the PS4 one where they redesigned it. It included a touch pad on the top between the options and share. Another thing that is different is the NES controller and the PS controller the are nearly the same with the exception of additional two buttons and the trigger one other difference is the ergonomics with the PS having grips to hold the controller while the NES controller it just a box but used in a different way because of the trigger and the grips making it easier to touch them and NES could be use more for button mashing.

 VR controllers

one thing that you can defiantly compare is the new VR controller in the case that's it a new gaming system that has had different design of the controllers the two I will cover is the HTC Vive and the PS4 VR controllers which have got for different designs for the two handheld controllers. The Vive is a controller made for VR games on steam the controller itself is a stick that you hold that you hold it motion pad with two buttons on the top and bottom it also has a trigger on the other side and lastly it has grip button on both sides of the controller.

The PS4 VR controller has the same idea as the Vive controller with the same sort of layout excepted the front side has more buttons it does have the same grip buttons on side. Now to talk about the comparison one similarity is ergonomics with how they also can use the trigger as grips to hold of the two controllers firm without drop them that often also the help the player find out where buttons are while you still have the headset still on. one difference with the two is how the controller expect you to play while the Vive is touch sensitive the PS4 VR has more button with their normal four shape buttons with a button in the middle. Also another that thing is different is the shape they go with the PS4 VR is a thick circular which is easy to grip with a light looking sphere sensor at the end while the Vive has a slick and thick handle with a circular head sensor for the VR feature to work.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Level 3 games Design

Unit 78:digital Graphics for computer Games

Andrew Gambrell
Understand theory and application used for (P1) computer game graphics 

Game Comparison

The two games that I have chosen to compare are the mass effect 2 which is a 3D game released in 26th Jan 2011 and phoenix wright trials and tribulations which was the 2D game that I chose, it was released in 23 Jan 2004. 

Mass Effect 2 is third-person shooter, it's genre is a RPG Sci-fi and is the sequel to mass effect it is photo realism game. it takes place one month after battle of the Citadel when the SSV Normandy is attacked and destroyed and the main character commander Shepard is confirm killed in action, two years after the attack Shepard is brought back to life by the Cerberus's Lazarus project after being told that there is a new threat is revealed with a new ship and new crew Shepard must find recruit all the fighter and other special crew to complete the suicide mission. The game itself is a photo realistic game with how all weapon and technology is kept consistent for example in the picture you can see how the character’s armour and weapon look military grade with the scenery looking realistic also how the map looks but also when light highlights the armour and objects with a shine which give the metal a glossy look and feel. Another thing that make ME2 photo realism is the background graphics like how in the picture (in the top right) the clouds and the distant mountains have a naturalistic vibe but also the game can give off a dark vibe and fall from grace feel with some maps showing a great threat or showing bodies and remain of other aliens and human; or even the opposite with their being not being anyone there to greet you for example the start of the horizon mission how when you start there is no-one in sight and the fact that it look like it's been abandoned with everything still intact you do see other people their later in the mission but they are frozen while still being conscious and aware but unable to speak or move.

Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations is Visual novel, it's genre is RPG, murder mystery. It's the third game of the attorney series, the artistic style of PWTT is exaggeration the game start as Phoenix has to face his next rival prosecutor named Godot who has mysterious past that hides it behind his mask the only way to find the truth is to see what happen with Mia Fey his dead mentor first two cases. phoenix wright trials and tribulation is exaggeration for example on the right is Godot you can see how it is exaggerated with his hair for starters which is bleached white and is spiky but most notably his mask which is the most outstanding thing about the character with the red lights which you would never see in real life with the futuristic design. Another thing which is exaggerated is the objection which is the thing they say when try proving a point or showing that the witness is lying (shown in the top left) it pops up across the screen while presenting evidence or when the prosecutor refutes the claim. while the game was still in development they had troubles with fitting it on a Game Boy advance cartridge compared to the first ace attorney game it was 2.3 times bigger which meant they had to find a way of compressing the game or basically making the game smaller by limiting scene within game like sprite, one thing they did was making a character shorter. Another way to save data as well as cut art that wasn't needed. The maker of ace attorney found the constraints fun as it gave a chance to improve his team problem solving and creative thinking. 

Mass Effect 2 and Phoenix Wright trials and tribulations do similarities as well as differences; for example they both can be very dark with there stories by using visuals graphics using blood or dark mystical energy/absolute evil e.g. Dahlia Hawthorne and the collectors. Dahlia by being seeming pretty but in those eye show a twist fully evil sinister plotting mind by murdering almost three people the second victim being in a comma for five years which to person cost him everything and wanting revenge but also the show with her expressions when acting normal the make it look like she disinterested and does not care about the life that she has extinguish. The collectors for being evil and catch humans and convert them to goo for breeding a human reaper but the build up they use to do this is show it with graphical effect and passive instincts like with how the map has a feeling of emptiness but also something of a sinister objective (on the right) you can see the orange they use for it is sort of collective 
orange which reminds me of a Borg green which connects everything the collectors do to one mind or what in graphics the show us using lens flare in the distance to show some sort of energy but it gave a scale to collector ship seeming like the ship was endless but for mass effect 2 makes the collector ship look alive wasp hive and tree look. but there is difference apart from just the genres as the way characters interact is different for Mass Effect 2 while you speak to people you can see the HUD's dialog wheel gives you a chose or what and how how you act either being a renegade where you use more violence toward the character you talk or paragon where you try find way of peace agreement and convince people passively to help you. phoenix wright is different because of how the dialog is instead of choice it is set but the way the characters speak is more engaging for example when confronting the killer before court it is tense and risky which can make it look more engaging to see the killer at court and convict him of his argent feeling about not getting caught which hasn't really work well sometime for wright. Another difference is how they show expression mass effect tries to do it as natural as possible but make it obvious while phoenix wright tries to do it the same but they show though extreme emotion so like when phoenix is embarrassed/lose a point that he was trying to prove he start to sweat and make sarcastic remarks out loud 
or in thought like "words cannot describe how screwed I am" but also when confronting a witness/ murderer when catches their  lie or contradiction and then when happens they breakdown or 
basically there expression go crazy and over exaggerate the shock in his or her face like in the image to left you can see his shocked face as well as his magnifying glass flying off this face.