Task 1
First thing to note about both games are that they are very different last of us is more serious than the other they do have different tones while the last of us is about carrying on in a dying world. Dead heat big planet sounds more like stealthy. When in actual fact it is a boss fight I hear where it is coming from really for me it sounded like a stealth mission with smooth jazz but that was a perception now hearing again it does sound sort of a boss fight. The boss itself seems to be a little slower or not as fast paced for game for example game with fast paced boss fight would be a borderlands. The audio environment of dead heat is continuous beat that motivates the player to beat the boss less acoustic it does sound like it has elements of acoustic like a trump and drums but more of it is synthesizer. Even the drum and trump could be made in a program like Garage Band where you can used pre-existing instruments. The last of us is different from dead heat because of the audio environment, it is more natural sounding but it has more of a different vibe which is more emotional feel to it also all the music sounded acoustic. At one point it sounded like someone walking on grass at 0.33 which means the song artist made the sound of him walking on grass to make the feel of the song more like it was a journey.
little big planet 3 waveform

These are the waveforms for little big planet and last of us with these to images you can already see a differences in them in LBP3 you can see that it is more continuous while the last of us is more softer but does goes loud in places when the ronroco start to play the end is different because of how it end more softer with the ending in a slope instead of a big ending which the last of us wave form the other sound LBP 3 does.
Source is what musical instruments were used or from a software so like last of us has someone walking in the grass or the guitar he used which is a ronroco. From dead heat they used drums,trumpet etc. they would use a synthesizer.
The Psychology of Sound is what you feel when you hear the music so for last of us it is a more emotional sound and more grounded to earth in the seem that anything can go wrong. Dead Heat is more different feel it feels more of a stealthy and uncertainty of what is going to happen
Theory of sound of the last of us is surround sound of the guitar and you can actual hear where the sound is coming from, so the person walking you will know which direction and where the character was walking from. little big planet is stereo because of the way it has been produced.
Game Music I have talked about how the last of us sounds like how they are going on a journey but the mood it has is a lost world that can't be rebuild as it is in the game people are limited and everyone eventually will die which also has a sense of hopelessness. Little big planet 3 has a stealth sort of beat but it also sounds like the mission that the player is going to ecounter a person who is hard to beat.
Task 2
The last of us mainly was made with acoustic, the only thing he added was of himself walking, he probably had a very high production. With the last of us the only audio limitations is the DSP because of how much data it has to transfer. Gustavo Santaolalla used DAT to record the theme you couldn't edit it so you had to make sure you didn't waste it. Also with DAT you get a better quality sound than analogue plus the sample rate would be better because it gets all the original wave forms which makes it more accurate and better without effecting or degrading the quality of the music. The file format they used to make the last of us is wav because it can't be edited . Also the one point that the last of us main theme is that should it be all compressed or uncompressed it is obviously uncompressed because what he is working with musical instruments so if he compressed the file it would lose a lot of data that he worked on.
Dead heat from big little planet was probably made with music making software they probably also used a synthesizer. The reason i say that it is one that seems mechanic which isn't it just giving me a clue even if i am probably wrong but there no way to tell without asking the developers who made it. The only audio limitations again is the DSP transfer that will lose some data while in process. The audio sample rate of the music would be somewhat close to accurate because of the standard they are working with but it may have a slight drop but the company would try to get it as good as possible. The file format they used is wav because it would be a professional file to use as it can record to 22khs which is the range of human hearing so you can get the full quality without missing anything. One last thing to think about is did they compress this file to make it more manageable? The answer is of course they did even if a soundtrack for boss it won't be important enough that they get instruments to make it because they actually have to get all the other soundtrack ready for big little planet 3 release. If they did make it all uncompressed they would run out of space and probably have to either make the game itself make for two discs, because the file are that big or they would have to make the download bigger because the soundtrack is too big for what it needs to be.