picture resolution
Picture resolution is the quality of the picture and how much detail it holds in it. The better the quality, the higher the picture resolution.Picture resolution is took by a camera which makes it different to image resolution which is made by creating an image instead of taking a picture. Picture resolution is used in many video games to improve the atmosphere and mood as for instance in the picture above you can see the face in detail however, the two images to the side are image resolution as you can see picture resolution has a higher quality meaning it has more pixels and has a higher resolution.
As an example the picture on bottom you see how enlarging and coping will effect the picture with a down because the picture now is starting to pixelate because it cannot change the amount of pixels it has but rather magnifying the picture and instead of making the picture easier to see it makes blurred.
image resolution
Image resolution is the quality of image and how sharp and the depth it has in the image itself. normally an better looking image or a high resolution image is one that has more pixels and worst more pixelated image is one that not that many pixels. factors that can effect the image resolution. first can be crop an image which lowers the resolution or basically the pixel size goes down. an another way to effect the quality when enlarging a cropped or the original image it would make the image look worst because when making it bigger the pixels don't change or enhance it more like a magnified image than anything else. But it also work the other ways when making an image smaller it look sharper and more detail but it would be more for a logo than anything else. Last way to enhance an image is to use an anti-aliasing which smooths the edges of the image making look sharper and more professional. as an example we have titan fall an image that show the difference of quality on the right has a lower resolution you tell by colour quality difference with the gun being a more grey colour than a black with a less powerful yellow, on the left you can see objects and scenery more cleaner with how it doesn't look so grey and dull, another thing is the objects look more sharp and crisp.
Intensity/Pixel Values
There are 2 types of pixel value. In the simplest form of Binary it says it is only a 1 bit number however, with colours it is different. The pixel values for grey scale is from 0 to 255 usually 0 is represented as being white and 255 is represented as black. For colour it is different instead of being a value between 0-255 it is a vector of three numbers. 8 bit games have less pixels than a 64 bit game as the more pixels you have the higher the quality.
You can see the difference between 8 bit games and 64 bit games because 8 bit you can only use certain amount of pixels while 64 bit games you make an entire 3D scale map while in 8 bit if you are going to make a map you have to scale down with the limitations but with 8 bit game it can be be seen as more creative with the things you build. On the right you can see how much detail is put in the aircraft carrier one reason is because it has more pixels than the eight bit games. With the image below you can see how creative 8 bit can be with it sprites and how even with no many pixel they look creatively simple.
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